Special Days & Weeks around the year
Special Days around the year
The origins and background material for many special days and designated weeks can usually be found on appropriate websites.
As the list of organisations or causes now claiming a special week or Sunday is ever-increasing, a considerable number of them have not been included.
Christian Unity Week
18-25 January www.ctbi.org.uk
Holocaust Memorial Day
January 27 www.hmd.org.uk
January 27 www.hmd.org.uk
As many in our communities mark Holocaust Memorial Day we remember before God the thousands of victims who perished under the years of Nazi atrocities. We pray for the survivors and their relatives and we pray for the eradication, in every place, of the evil and prejudice inflicted upon men, women and children because of their ethnicity, their beliefs or their sexual orientation.
Education Sunday
The Ninth Sunday before Easter www.cte.org.uk
On Education Sunday we give thanks for schools, colleges, universities and training institutions. As we remember those who learn and those who teach we pray for all who support them in educational administration and through the work of school and college governors.
Church Action on Poverty Sunday
Second Sunday in February http://www.church-poverty.org.uk/
Church Action on Poverty listen to the poor and makes their voice heard.
Fairtrade Fortnight
From the Last Monday of February www.fairtrade.org.uk
From the Last Monday of February www.fairtrade.org.uk
In this Fairtrade Fortnight we pray for those who bring together consumers and retailers to promote Fairtrade products and for the success of those who campaign on issues of trade and justice.
Christian Aid Sunday
Second Sunday in May https://www.christianaid.org.uk/christian-aid-week
Not for Sale Sunday
Third Sunday of May www.chaste.org.uk
Third Sunday of May www.chaste.org.uk
On this day as we remember the evils of Sex Trafficking across Europe we pray that governments worldwide will resolve to end situations where vulnerable women, men and children are subject to abuse, sexual humiliation and violation.
Refugee Week
The Third Week of June www.refugeeweek.org.uk
The Third Week of June www.refugeeweek.org.uk
As churches and communities mark Refugee Week we remember those driven from their homes, separated from their families and forced to live in another country. We pray that we may be among those who can lighten the burden of the dispossessed and provide new beginnings for the vulnerable refugees in our midst.
Sea Sunday
The Second Sunday of July www.missiontoseafarers.org/ www.seasunday.org
The Second Sunday of July www.missiontoseafarers.org/ www.seasunday.org
On this Sea Sunday we give thanks for the worldwide network of Maritime Mission Societies. We pray for the merchant seafarers of the world in the risks they take and the dangers they face for others. We ask for God’s blessing on the ministry offered to seafarers and their families by Port Chaplains.
As churches and countries mark Slavery Memorial Day we remember the world-wide call to repentance and reparation laid upon many consciences and cultures. We pray for the day when those of all races, and those of all faiths and of none, will be treated fairly and equally by everyone.
Creation Time
September 1 to October 4 or to the Second Sunday of October
www.ctbi.org.uk / www.ecen.org
September 1 to October 4 or to the Second Sunday of October
www.ctbi.org.uk / www.ecen.org
During these days set aside as Creation Time, we pray for those who bear responsibility for the protection of the earth’s resources. We pray for the promotion of sustainable lifestyles, for a greater reverence for the planet’s environment and for a proper response to the dangers ensuing from climate change.
On this Racial Justice Sunday we pray that we may value every person as our neighbour created in the image of the one God and Father and we pray for a breaking down of all barriers of discrimination.
Disability Sunday
The First Sunday of October www.throughtheroof.org/sunday/disabilitysunday.html
The First Sunday of October www.throughtheroof.org/sunday/disabilitysunday.html
On this Disability Sunday we remember those born with disability, those disabled by conflict, disease, age or accident and we pray that our churches and neighbourhoods may celebrate to the full the presence and contribution of each person in our community.
World Mental Health Day
October 10 www.mentalhealth.org.uk www.mind.org.uk
October 10 www.mentalhealth.org.uk www.mind.org.uk
As our churches and communities mark World Mental Health Day we bring before God those affected by depression, addiction, schizophrenia or dementia and we pray for those who work alongside them or minister to them.
Healthcare Sunday
The Sunday nearest to St Luke’s Day (October 18) www.healthcaresunday.org.uk
On this Sunday close to St. Luke’s Day we remember those employed in our health services, the many nurses who work in residential homes and we pray for all doctors, health-care staff and hospital support teams who often work long and unsocial hours.
Bible Sunday
Last Sunday in October https://www.biblesociety.org.uk/
One World Week
A Sunday to Sunday Octave including the October 24 www.oneworldweek.org
A Sunday to Sunday Octave including the October 24 www.oneworldweek.org
In this One World Week we pray that people from diverse backgrounds will unite in their commitment to global justice, that political leaders will re-examine their priorities and all will take action for justice locally, nationally and globally.
International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians
First Sunday of November www.csw.org.uk
First Sunday of November www.csw.org.uk
As we give thanks for the saints and martyrs of the faith we remember our Christian sisters and brothers, who in their thousands, are even now facing violence, persecution, imprisonment and death because of their confession of Jesus Christ as Lord.
Remembrance Sunday
The Second Sunday of November www.ctbi.org.uk
The Second Sunday of November www.ctbi.org.uk
On this day we remember all who suffer as a result of war including the injured and the disabled, the mentally distressed and those whose faith in God and humanity has been weakened or destroyed. We pray for the peace of the world and for those in power, that they may have wisdom to know and courage to do what is right. We pray for all who work to improve international relationships that they may be supported by those in authority.
Prisons Week
Third Sunday in November www.prisonsweek.org
Third Sunday in November www.prisonsweek.org
In this Prisons Week we remember the needs of prisoners and their families and all victims of crime. We pray for prison staff and all those who offer pastoral care. We pray that God’s love may be known both by those justly imprisoned and those whose freedom has been unjustly taken from them.
World AIDS Day
1st December www.worldaidsday.org
1st December www.worldaidsday.org
As churches and world health organizations mark World AIDS Day we pray for a continuing awareness of the AIDS pandemic. We remember the many millions of men, women and children worldwide living with HIV. We pray for all who care for HIV sufferers and those involved in research to control and eradicate the virus.
Human Rights Day
December 10 www.un.org/events/humanrights
December 10 www.un.org/events/humanrights
As the nations mark Human Rights Day we pray that governments worldwide will ensure their people have adequate health care, proper provision of food, clothing, housing and social welfare. We pray that all will be provided with the security of a basic income, the opportunity of a free education, and the guarantee of mutual respect of faith, freedom of speech and equal access to justice and the law.
Many of the items listed have been prepared by the Joint Liturgical Group of Great Britain [www.jlg.org.uk] at the request of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland [www.ctbi.org.uk].
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